It all started back in 2017 when I managed to achieve my dream yet again. The same dream as yours; to become a flight attendant.
We devote huge amounts of time, effort and money to achieve this dream. The world of cabin crew recruitment is tough and ultra-competitive. Getting through this ruthless process can sometimes seem like an impossible task.
That’s certainly what I felt when I was knocked back time after time by airline recruiters. I didn’t know what I was doing wrong but I was determined to learn from my mistakes. was borne out the information and knowledge I gained in achieving my dream. This works – I’ve been invited to numerous cabin crew Assessment Days and I’ve been offered jobs from a number of major international airlines.
Today, I continue to send applications and attend Assessment Day’s. My mission – to help you through the process. There’s no secret, checklist formula or 100% guaranteed promise. But I hope that what you read here will prepare you for your journey.
Cabin crew recruitment is never going to be easy but I hope the PYOK website helps you on your journey!